Remember the Cross–What’s Easter About?

Whether you’re a new Christian, seasoned Christian, or have heard of Christianity itself, you have no doubt heard about Easter.  As I continue on my personal road in ministry, I am delightfully reminded of the importance of this part of the year.  I’m reminded of what was accomplished, how much God loves us, and the hope that comes from the living Christ.  I have the opportunity, then, to lead an Easter Cantata at East Main Street Christian Church in Elwood, IN.  Although the number of cantatas I’ve put together is low, I feel a deep connection to both God and music through the process.  I look forward to it each Christian holiday season.  This one, though, is a little different.

March 25, 2018 – Palm Sunday

Usually, a cantata (which is a collection of songs usually linked together by a narration, drama, or something that connects a story) takes most of one service, Easter.  This year, the music and story are spread over the entirety of Holy Week.  We will start on Palm Sunday – the day we celebrate Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem for the last time in His life on earth.  The choir will sing a song while actors portraying Jesus and His disciples enter into the sanctuary.   The children’s choir Prepare the Way with palm branches for them.  Afterward, the young singers will sing some celebratory songs.

March 29, 2018 – Maundy Thursday

Thursday, we reflect on Jesus’s last living moments with His followers.  He washed their feet, had a final dinner with them, gave them final words of wisdom, and gave them a way to remember the cross.  Why did he do all this?  In a word, it was love.  The choir will sing multiple songs on this evening program.  Instead of meeting in the sanctuary, however, we will have this service in the Big Room.  There, Jesus and the disciples will sit at a table in the center of the room.  We will be seated at tables surrounding them and experience the last supper together.  As we take the bread and the cup, we will seek to Remember the Cross–the Sacred Head now wounded–that gave us peace that Only the Son of God could give.  The bulk of the dramatic portion of the week will happen during this service starting at 7:00 p.m.

April 1, 2018 – Easter

Last, but certainly not least, on April 1st (and I’m not kidding), we will celebrate the risen Savior.  The Tomb is Empty!  Just as He said, Christ is able to save us through this process.  The choir will continue the cantata with more songs and narration.  We hope to leave the sanctuary with high hopes and joy–Jesus is Alive!  It is this part of history that we hang our hopes on.  As Paul said, ” And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17).

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Salvation is necessary for us all.  But what are we being saved from?  If you are unfamiliar with what any of this means, feel free to visit the Romans Road.  You can also talk to one of our pastors by contacting us on Facebook or email.